git clone したものを単に引数なしで git push すると警告が出る.
warning: You did not specify any refspecs to push, and the current remote
warning: has not configured any push refspecs. The default action in this
warning: case is to push all matching refspecs, that is, all branches
warning: that exist both locally and remotely will be updated. This may
warning: not necessarily be what you want to happen.
warning: You can specify what action you want to take in this case, and
warning: avoid seeing this message again, by configuring 'push.default' to:
warning: 'nothing' : Do not push anything
warning: 'matching' : Push all matching branches (default)
warning: 'tracking' : Push the current branch to whatever it is tracking
warning: 'current' : Push the current branch
リポジトリとブランチを指定しない git push は危険なので,次のメジャーリリースでは引数なしの動作が config されていない場合は拒否されるようになる.その予告として 1.6.3 から上記の長い警告が出るようになった.
回避するには push.default オプションを明示的に指定すればよい.
$ git config push.default matching
With the next major release, "git push" into a branch that is
currently checked out will be refused by default. You can choose
what should happen upon such a push by setting the configuration
variable receive.denyCurrentBranch in the receiving repository.
To ease the transition plan, the receiving repository of such a
push running this release will issue a big warning when the
configuration variable is missing. Please refer to:
for more details on the reason why this change is needed and the
transition plan.